Fall 2024 Offerings
We have a lot going on around here as we continue rolling out our training of Case Conferencing Leader trainings, continuing our Supervision of Supervision sessions, and continuing our collaborations with academic institutions educating students on the power of supervision in their practice.
Case Conferencing Leader Training: Phase 1A
If you are wanting training in leading Case Conferencing and Supervision, here's where you start! This training is for those interested in becoming Case Conferencing Leaders in their communities. This is the first in a series of trainings toward gaining IIRAS Credentialed Supervision Leader status.
Timeline: September - December 2024, approximately 3-5 hours per month, mix of asynchronous and synchronous
CEUS possible, 3.8
COST: $497
Case conferencing Leader Training: Phase 2
This is the final in the Case Conferencing Leader training series that will move you closer to the IIRAS Credentialed Supervision Leader status.
Pre-requisite: Case Conferencing Leader Training Phases 1A & 1B
Timeline: September - December 2024, approximately 3-5 hours per month, mix of synchronous and asynchronous
CEUs possible, 3.1
COST: $444
Supervision of Supervision
Ongoing Supervision of Supervision for leaders working with groups of colleagues and practitioners.
Timeline: September 2024 - May 2025, approximately 2 hours per month
- 2nd Sundays of each month, 7-9pm, eastern
CEUs possible: 1.8
Cost: $270
Case Presenting & Participation in Case Conferencing
This is for those practitioners who are interested in learning more about supervision and case conferencing by participating in and/or offering to share a case from their work experience.
Timeline: Wednesdays in Fall term, 5-7pm, eastern time, exact dates TBA
CEUs possible: 1.0
Cost: Free

Get in Touch
If you have questions specific to your circumstances, please reach out to iirasinternational@gmail.com